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Agriculture Victoria Current situation with Avian Influenza Outbreak at Euroa.
Current situation
Last updated 13 February 2025
Agriculture Victoria has confirmed the presence of H7 avian influenza (bird flu) at 2 poultry properties in northern Victoria, which are in quarantine. Both infected properties are connected.
Diagnostic testing performed by CSIRO’s Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness at Geelong confirmed high pathogenicity H7N8. This is a new outbreak and not related to the 2024 outbreaks in Victoria, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory which were successfully eradicated.
This is not the H5N1 bird flu strain that is impacting other parts of the world.
A restricted area of roughly 5 km is in place around the infected properties within a wider control area in place across Strathbogie Shire to the east of the Goulburn Valley Highway, to prevent movements that could spread the virus.
Townships impacted include Euroa, Violet Town, Longwood, Ruffy, Avenel and Strathbogie. Restrictions are in place for the control and restricted areas, including a housing requirement for producers with more than 50 poultry in the restricted area.
Any suspicion of an emergency animal disease (EAD) should be immediately reported to the 24-hour EAD Hotline on 1800 675 888 or to your local vet.
Agriculture Victoria’s response is well underway, working closely and cooperatively with property owners. The first infected property has completed humane destruction for poultry on site, and operations will progress at the new property in the coming days.
While cases among humans in direct contact with animals infected with high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses are possible, the current risk to the public remains low. Find out more about avian influenza in humans from the BetterHealth Channel.
Last updated 10 February 2025
Agriculture Victoria has confirmed the presence of avian influenza at a poultry property in northern Victoria, which has now been placed into quarantine.
Diagnostic testing performed by the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness at Geelong confirmed high pathogenicity H7N8. This is a different virus than the strains detected in Victoria, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory in 2024, which have been eradicated. This is not the H5N1 strain that is impacting other parts of the world.
A restricted area of roughly 5 km has been placed around the infected property within a wider control area in place across Strathbogie Shire to the east of the Goulburn Valley Highway, to prevent movements that could spread the virus.
Any suspicion of an emergency animal disease (EAD) should be immediately reported to the 24-hour EAD Hotline on 1800 675 888 or to your local vet.
Consumers should not be concerned about eggs and poultry products from supermarkets – they do not pose a risk and are safe to consume.
While cases among humans in direct contact with animals infected with high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses are possible, the current risk to the public remains low. Find out more about avian influenza in humans from the BetterHealth Channel.
We represent a network of regional poultry clubs across Victoria. Wherever you live in Victoria there is a club in your region where dedicated volunteers run shows, auctions and educational events. If you want to get in touch with your local club there is a list of club contacts on the VPFA webpage www.vpfa.com.au
In addition to the regional clubs the VPFA represents a network of breed and specialist clubs throughout Victoria. If you want to meet and network with a group of folk who share your passion for a certain breed or group of fowl then seek out some contact information at www.vpfa.com.au. If your breed is not here let us know and we can help you find a national club or provide some contacts to help set up a club or branch in Victoria.
If you have thought about showing and not sure where to start, this could be your chance to have your questions answered. Bring your birds along and get the opinion of an experienced judge. Hear about what a judge is looking for. Learn how to read a show schedule and prepare a bird for showing. All in a friendly and non-competitive environment. We can also provide a buddy to assist you at your first show if you want. Please contact us at admin@vpfa.com.au to RSVP or with more questions. If you can’t make this date or venue and you are keen to be involved please let us know, and we will look at other times and venues at one of our clubs across Victoria.
The VPFA would like to advise exhibitors of a new membership.
‘C ‘ Class membership $25.00 electronic journal exhibitors can exhibit at 2 affiliated clubs in 2025. Members will need to nominate the 2 clubs they wish to exhibit at in 2025.
Free Junior Membership with any Adult ‘A’ Class membership taken out in the same family.
Members are advised that all $55 financial members from 2024 will carry over for 2025. $95 membership are advised that in order to receive the hardcopy journal in 2025 a fee of $40 is payable.
Membership form 2025:VPFA Membership 2025 (2)
The VPFA Board of Directors would like to wish all of our members and their families a
Please stay safe and take care of each other.
VPFA Journal History
VPFA are pleased to announce that the VPFA Journals for over 50years are now available on USB.
Over 50years of our amazing history is available to Current Members for $35.00 and Non members for $50.00
Orders via email to admin@vpfa.com.au
Queries to Anne 0412002266
Will make a great Xmas Present
VPFA Journals on a USB 2024 (2)
Members are advised that the Annual General Meeting of the VPFA Ltd will he held on Sunday 24th November 2024 commencing at 10.30am at Dandenong Agricultural & Pastoral Society Meeting Room Greeves Reserve Bennet Street Dandenong.
The AGM will be immediately followed by a General Meeting of the Membership.
Morning Tea available from 10am.
Following the General Meeting a light lunch will be provided.
Please advise of dietary requirements if attending.

Agriculture Victoria are currently calling and sending text messages.
We are calling and sending texts to residents in the Meredith, Lethbridge and Terang areas to gather information about the number and health of poultry. Gathering this data helps us to plan the response and lift the control areas and restricted areas as soon as possible.
If you let us know that you have poultry or pigs, our vets will call you in a few days to check on their health.
Be aware of scams. Agriculture Victoria will not ask for financial information or credit card details.
For information about Agriculture Victoria’s privacy policy, visit agriculture.vic.gov.au/privacy
If you have any questions, please call our Customer Contact Centre on 1800 226 226
VPFA Judge Assessment Application form: VPFA Judges Application 2024
VPFA and VWA Judge Assessments will take place on Saturday 7th September 2024 at Warragul . Please contact the VPFA secretary to register. Secretary 0412002266

Please refer to Agriculture Victoria’s web page for up to date information.
17 June 2024
Recommendation Regarding Postponement of VPFA Affiliated Shows / Events Involving Birds
During the Current Avian Influenza Outbreak
The VPFA Board met this evening following our Avian Influenza update meeting.
The Board resolved to request that affiliated club shows and events involving birds be postponed for the period during which the current outbreak is being actively managed by Agriculture Victoria and movement restrictions are in place. Noting that there was a further detection today.
We acknowledge that there is uncertainty as to whether orders will be extended and for how long, but to provide clarity with respect to our position we wish to align the duration of this recommendation with the movement controls that are readily available to view on the Agriculture Victoria website. Noting that the duration of these controls is the responsibility of Agriculture Victoria.
Several factors informed this decision, including.
- The advice from Agriculture Victoria that was forwarded to all members on Saturday 15 June.
- The challenges with respect individual clubs running and managing shows with movement control areas in place. Noting the Agriculture Victoria advice that clubs and individuals near movement control areas consider whether they should travel or hold events.
- The potential risk to our flocks should AI be detected in a bird at a show.
- The number of clubs and breeders who had already made decisions to not run or participate in event.
- Providing a clear policy position rather than weekly updates.
We all want to show, socialise with each other, and participate in the hobby that we are so passionate about. But these are uncertain times, and we all need to contribute to Agriculture Victoria’s efforts to control and eradicate this outbreak.
We acknowledge the inconvenience that this recommendation will cause to clubs and individuals and will consider this at the VPFA Board.
Let’s hope that this outbreak is confined to the current flocks and the restrictions are lifted as soon as possible.
The VPFA Board of Directors.
14th June 2024
To VPFA Members and Clubs please note the following advice from Agriculture Victoria. This advice was received by the VPFA at 5pm on Thursday 13 June.
- Movement controls are in place to prevent the spread of Avian Influenza, so we currently have a Restricted Area that covers the impacted Meredith and Lethbridge properties and a broader Control Area buffer zone, which is bound by Bacchus Marsh Road in the east and the Colac–Ballarat Road on the western boundary, along with a Restricted Area covering a 5 km radius around the Terang farm, with a broader Control Area buffer zone covering a 15 km radius. For detailed maps see https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/biosecurity/animal-diseases/poultry-diseases/avian-influenza-bird-flu
- Movements or events outside the Restricted and Control Areas described above currently do not have any restrictions or requirements.
- Poultry Owners within the Restricted and Control Areas are subject to the movement control orders
- Agriculture Victoria recommends that consideration is given to running shows close to the current Restricted and Control Areas as the response is constantly changing and if there were further detections, the Restricted and Control Areas may need to be rapidly updated. This could result in that event and all birds at the event being under the Control or Restricted Area movement controls.
- Agriculture Victoria recommends poultry owners who live near the current Restricted and Control Areas to reconsider travelling to shows with their birds as the Restricted and Control Areas may need to be updated while they are away, and they may not be allowed to return home with their birds.
- Keep up to date with the Avian Influenza response through our website – Avian influenza | Poultry diseases | Animal diseases | Biosecurity | Agriculture Victoria
VPFA Board of Directors
11th June 2024
Statement from VPFA Board Regarding Avian Influenza
All VPFA members would be aware that there is a current Avian influenza outbreak in Victoria with two restriction zones in place. The zones and further details can be found at the following website.
The website also has a zoomable map function to see the movement control zones in detail and also links to the movement control orders and symptoms of Avian influenza. All poultry keepers in Victoria must comply with these restrictions so please visit the site regularly to check for updates and contact Agriculture for clarification.
Shows held by VPFA affiliated clubs
- The VPFA respects the decision of those clubs that have elected to postpone shows.
- We look forward to the resumption of scheduled shows by VPFA affiliated clubs, the first of which are now after the current movement control orders are lifted.
- We encourage clubs and members to continue to monitor the information from Agriculture Victoria and follow all guidelines and regulations.
- The VPFA will also continue to monitor the situation and appraise our members of any changes as soon as practicable.
Club member events that may be held during the period of the movement control orders
- All clubs should ensure that any event is held in a way that is consistent with Agriculture Victoria guidelines.
- Clubs should also consider appropriate biosecurity measures associated with poultry, poultry feed, waterers, bedding etc – more information is available on the Agriculture Victoria website.
We thank everybody for acting responsibly during this outbreak and ask everybody to be respectful of the views of others and especially to have consideration to our members and friends who live within, or close to the movement control areas. This is a stressful time and if you feel you need help please reach out and seek the support you need.
Thankyou for your cooperation.
The VPFA Board of Directors
Addendum 2 Being launched at Canberra late morning and available at both Canberra Poultry Show and 2024 State Poultry Show at Goulburn for $30 .
Cash preferred at show.
Available from 11th June 2024 online $35 which includes postage. To order go to the www.vpfa.com.au
Updated Agriculture Victoria details:
“Please abide by all government rules and please report any unexplained deaths in your flock.” Click this link for further information on Avian Influenza – https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/biosecurity/animal-diseases/poultry-diseases/avian-influenza-bird-flu/
3rd June 2024
Statement Regarding Avian Influenza and VPFA Affiliated Shows / Events
Postponement of Shows ,Auctions and Bird Days/ Nights
Scheduled until 19th June 2024
The VPFA Board met this evening and discussed the Agriculture Victoria current update regarding the highly pathogenic H7N3 strain and H7N9 strain of avian influenza. There is a housing order in place for 15km around the Meredith and Terang properties.
We appreciate that clubs have already made the decision to postpone or cancel events until 19th June 2024. Clubs have communicated this to members and exhibitors.
The Board accepts that affiliated clubs have not made this decision lightly, and we appreciate that this causes inconvenience to our clubs and members. However, in this period of uncertainty it is important that we all do the best we can to assist Agriculture Victoria in containing this outbreak.
We maintain valuable and unique genetics that cannot be replaced and, in many cases, exist in only a few flocks. Hopefully this precautionary approach is short term, and we can quickly go back to enjoying the hobby that we are so passionate about.
The VPFA Board will meet again to review the latest information from Agriculture if the need arises.
Hopefully these two cases will be the only ones in this outbreak.
Affiliated Clubs that have requested a new show date are Gippsland & Riveria now Sunday 23rd June 2024, Ballarat Poultry Society now having their 1st Show on Saturday 13th July 2024 in their new shed. Kyneton Poultry Club are also looking at a new date, will advertise when available.
Thankyou for you co-operation
The VPFA Board of Directors
“Please abide by all government rules and please report any unexplained deaths in your flock.” Click this link for further information on Avian Influenza – https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/biosecurity/animal-diseases/poultry-diseases/avian-influenza-bird-flu/
27th May 2024
Statement Regarding Avian Influenza and VPFA Affiliated Shows / Events
Postponement of Shows ,Auctions and Bird Days/ Nights
Scheduled for 1st and 2nd June 2024
The VPFA Board met this evening and discussed the Agriculture Victoria current update regarding the highly pathogenic H7N3 strain and H7N9 strain of avian influenza. There is a housing order in place for 15km around the Meredith and Terang properties.
The Board resolved to request that affiliated club shows and events to the held this weekend (1st and 2nd June) be postponed. This decision was not made lightly, and we appreciate that this causes inconvenience to our clubs and members. However, in this period of uncertainty it is important that we all do the best we can to assist Agriculture Victoria in containing this outbreak.
We maintain valuable and unique genetics that cannot be replaced and, in many cases, exist in only a few flocks. Hopefully this precautionary approach is short term, and we can quickly go back to enjoying the hobby that we are so passionate about.
The VPFA Board will meet again on Monday evening to review the latest information from Agriculture with respect to forthcoming shows, auctions and associated events.
Hopefully these two cases will be the only ones in this outbreak.
Thankyou for you co-operation
The VPFA Board of Directors
23 May 2024
Statement Regarding Avian Influenza and VPFA Affiliated Shows / Events
Postponement of Shows ,Auctions and Bird Days/ Nights
Scheduled for 25 and 26 May 2024
The VPFA Board met this evening and discussed the news from Agriculture Victoria regarding the second case of the highly pathogenic H7N3 strain of avian influenza.
The Board resolved to request that affiliated club shows and events to the held this weekend (25 and 26 May) be postponed. This decision was not made lightly, and we appreciate that this causes inconvenience to our clubs and members. However, in this period of uncertainty it is important that we all do the best we can to assist Agriculture Victoria in containing this outbreak.
We maintain valuable and unique genetics that cannot be replaced and, in many cases, exist in only a few flocks. Hopefully this precautionary approach is short term, and we can quickly go back to enjoying the hobby that we are so passionate about.
The VPFA Board will meet again on Monday evening to review the latest information from Agriculture with respect to forthcoming shows, auctions and associated events.
Hopefully these two cases will be the only ones in this outbreak.
Thankyou for you co-operation
The VPFA Board of Directors
Ballarat Poultry Society MAY SHOW ENTRIES GO ONLINE
A Successful Weekend at The Melbourne Pet Show and Seymour Alternative Farming Expo
Both events attended by thousands of people.
Pet Show in Melbourne was a perfect opportunity for people to pat a chicken and ask questions on keeping poultry in your back yard.
Seymour alternative farming expo was well attended with plenty of questions on poultry keeping.
VPFA Mentor Program
Do you have a poultry question? Need some advice setting up your backyard chicken coop? Not sure where to start?
Do you have chickens?
Would you like to breed chickens?
Have you ever wondered about showing chickens?
Do you have chicken related questions?
Then please get in touch with the VPFA Secretary Email: admin@vpfa.com.au
Update to Members
VPFA Memberships are now due. Do you wish to remain on the VPFA Judges then your membership needs to be current. Renew Now.
Membership 2024-Membership 2024 New or Renewal updated copy
VPFA Show Calendar 2024-2024 VPFA Show Date Calendar 5
Avian Influenza
Agriculture Victoria held a free webinar on Avian Influenza. If you missed this webinar and would like further information on avian influenza and what you can to prevent your flock from being affected, then go to the Agriculture Victoria website.
VPFA Board Chairman Update
First and foremost we thank Brian Daniels for his work and dedication during his time as chairman.
We welcome our new Chairman Kevin Smith. Kevin is passionate about our hobby and looks forward to working with the VPFA Board, Clubs and Members.
Are you a member of the VPFA and having trouble with the council, then contact the secretary of the VPFA we may be able to help.
Secretary Anne: admin@vpfa.com.au
Memberships are now due for the 2024 Show Season. If you wish to be included on the VPFA Judges List published in the journal then you need to be a current financial member.
Membership 2024-Membership 2024 New or Renewal updated copy
Club Affiliations 2024 are now due-Club-Affiliation-2024-Membership-Form RENEWAL copy
Club Affiliation 2024 have been subsidised by 50% to $50.00.