Full Membership includes the Journal magazine, electronic or hard copy, unless where stated.
Under the Company’s Constitution each member, during their membership or within twelve months after their membership ends, is liable to contribute $1.00 towards the Company’s property to pay the Company’s debts in the event that the Company is wound up.
Please note the PSBEV is the trading name of the VPFA Ltd.
Members are advised that their membership is provisional upon receipt of appropriate fees (a cheque or a copy of their bank receipt) and this form by the Treasurer, and only becomes approved when ratified by the board.
PLEASE NOTE: the initials, names and addresses listed on the application are the initials, names and addresses to be used at all V.P.F.A. Ltd affiliated shows
Members are advised that their membership is provisional upon receipt of appropriate fees (a cheque or a copy of their bank receipt) and this form by the Treasurer, and only becomes approved when ratified by the board.